I had plans to wake up around 9 today, but then I couldnt sleep last night, and I finally clocked out around 2:30, James decided to call me back at 4. He was a bit drunk and even though I'm not a fan of dealing with drunk people I stayed up and talked with him to make sure he was okay. Passed out again around 5:30. I need to tidy up the apartment some, then head to the gym. With not having as much free time like I had planned on, I will just bring all my stuff for work with me, shower and change at the gym.
The food wasn't nearly as healthy as I had envisioned yesterday. I honestly can't even remember what I had except for a Coconut Larabar. I must get going now. Have a great day!
Oh and I got that job. Its another serving job, for day shifts. So for the time being, I'm gonna work my ass off at both jobs, and save some cash. I really need a safety cushion. I've definitely got some things on my wish-list that I'm going to try to obtain.
Are there specific things that you are saving for? If so, what are they?
Hey hey! In terms of the meat questions...I consider myself a pescatarian...but I really am almost a full blown veggie now. I started moving this way for a number of reasons including some issues I was having with my tummy, the impact the meat industry has on the environment and frankly...because I'm not a huge fan of meat to begin with. I am feeling a lot better since I made the move