Not going to the gym has been killing me. So, I've decided to make it more routine to work out in the apt. I have a stability ball, and some weights. There is plenty I can do that won't affect my foot.
Bfast this morning was a bowl of oat bran with granola, almond butter and a few raisins.
I only used 1/3 of a cup dry oat bran, and all my mixins were about teaspoon each. I could barely finish half of it. My appetite lately is almost non-existant. I'm not really complaining, I am just making sure that I am getting enough nutrients to keep me going.
I've been in a very "Rocky" mood lately. So I went to video store and rented Rocky II, and Rocky III. I obviously own the first one. On my next day off I'll be getting the last 3. I also rented the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I had never seen it before, and figured it was high time I did so. I had to fast forward through most of the singing, it gave me a headache. I'm not one much for musicals.
Time to get my day started, I hope y'alls is good too.
Love raisins in oatmeal/oatbran. Hope the foot is feeling better!!