I must admit the food lately has been delicious.
Eggplant panini with goat cheddar YUMMMYYY. It was absolutely wonderful. I made a trip up to Kashmir with a guy I met, and had this awesome veggie sampler, started with lentil soup, and a tandoori roti. Then the sampler had paneer, channa masala, and two other things. (sorry no pic of that).
There have been quite a few bars eaten in the past few days, but honestly those aren't even worth posting.
I had my favorite Monterrey veggie wrap at Calistoga. I could honestly live off of those.
Besides all that, I just have a ton of stuff to do around my apartment(S). I get to finish painting the old one tomorrow. No more procrastinating. I've also been working a ton lately since I'll have to be off for a couple of weeks due to the impending foot surgery. I get to go home to NC for a few weeks and see people.
Foot surgery?? That doesn't sound like much fun :( What is the planned date? Great wraps- can't get much tastier than fresh veggies and cheese in wrap form :) Good luck with all your to dos!