I absolutely hate those nights where I fee really uneasy, and scared that I'm going to get chopped to death by an axe murderer. I didn't go to sleep until after 5 a.m. I just laid there. Then I still woke up around 10. Sometimes I really wish I didn't live alone.
Started some cleaning, around 2 I started my pot roast. I'm nervous that since I started it late and I had to cook it on high that it will be dry. I could always switch it to low, but then it wont be done till like 9. I got a call from the day care that T was sick, and to go pick him up. I felt so bad for him. He had a really bad fever, so I figured I would do something to make him happy. What better than a Happy Meal. I actually ordered a burger too. It was not very good, and it made me vomit. My brothers fiance picked up little man soon after we got back to the apt. I feel so bad for him, I hate seeing him like that.
No gym today, my legs are killing me right now. The guy is supposed to come over in about an hour. I'm just so tired, I was hoping to be a bit more awake tonight. Possibly going to an auction tomorrow. Who knows?
Finally the money to all my accounts has posted. I noticed that for my federal return it is about 300 less than its supposed to be. So we'll see what happens with the state, and if its not there I'll have to call the IRS again. I swear I hate talking to them. Just a thought, maybe I'll get part of it later because that is supposed to be how much my "stimulus" package is? So now I can finish paying off the cards, yippee!!!
Friday, February 27
Thursday, February 26
I woke up this morning and man was I stiff. (If I were a guy, that would have been funny). My legs are nice and tight. So I did some stretching. I did not want to wake up, so I had two big cups of coffee.
I really only drink the stuff when my body has issues with returning to reality.
Breakfast was 1 egg, 1 egg white, with a sprinkling of cheese on an Ezekiel tortilla. Those tortillas are flourless and packed with protein. I've realized that throughout my day even though I'm only averaging 1200 calories, over half are carbs. So I'm trying to incorporate more protein. Also, eating more actual food, and less bars is a goal I'm trying to accomplish. They do give me all the proper nutritional benefits, but usually I'm still hungry.
Just left the gym now, I went on the cross-trainer for an hour, burned 715 calories. Very proud of myself. I've been doing pretty good about kicking my own ass lately and not just stopping when I get a little fatigued, I keep going until the goal is accomplished. I was thinking about going running outside again today, but Im just worried that my bones are going to splinter up again if I rush into it too fast. So I think I'll wait a couple of days to let them recooperate before going at it again.
Now its time to get ready for the work, gotta be there in 1 1/2 hours.
Breakfast was 1 egg, 1 egg white, with a sprinkling of cheese on an Ezekiel tortilla. Those tortillas are flourless and packed with protein. I've realized that throughout my day even though I'm only averaging 1200 calories, over half are carbs. So I'm trying to incorporate more protein. Also, eating more actual food, and less bars is a goal I'm trying to accomplish. They do give me all the proper nutritional benefits, but usually I'm still hungry.
Just left the gym now, I went on the cross-trainer for an hour, burned 715 calories. Very proud of myself. I've been doing pretty good about kicking my own ass lately and not just stopping when I get a little fatigued, I keep going until the goal is accomplished. I was thinking about going running outside again today, but Im just worried that my bones are going to splinter up again if I rush into it too fast. So I think I'll wait a couple of days to let them recooperate before going at it again.
Now its time to get ready for the work, gotta be there in 1 1/2 hours.
Wednesday, February 25
Picking up shifts
Earlier the guy and me went to get some food. We stopped by this awesome antique store first. We are definitely going to go back another day since they were about to close when we got there.
Then it was onto get some sushi. It was a bad experience. We had to wait almost 45 minutes for our food. It was already past 6 so we just cancelled our order. I had to be at work at 7. I'm still here.
Day started off awesome though. It was super nice. So instead of the gym I went to the park across from my apts. I actually ran. Ran about a mile. It was actually enjoyable, unlike the treadmill. Going to do it again tomorrow. I also did some BCT favorites, 30/60s. Going to do some yoga when I get off work. Then watch "smart people" and then crash.
Daily Eats
Then it was onto get some sushi. It was a bad experience. We had to wait almost 45 minutes for our food. It was already past 6 so we just cancelled our order. I had to be at work at 7. I'm still here.
Day started off awesome though. It was super nice. So instead of the gym I went to the park across from my apts. I actually ran. Ran about a mile. It was actually enjoyable, unlike the treadmill. Going to do it again tomorrow. I also did some BCT favorites, 30/60s. Going to do some yoga when I get off work. Then watch "smart people" and then crash.
Daily Eats
- Oat Bran with 2T polaner
- Coconut Cream Larabar
- 1 T hummus ( I was in a rush)
- Yoplait Light-White Chocolate Strawberry, (yummy)
- Baby Spinach Salad with grilled chicken, apple slices, roasted corn, onions, mushrooms, feta cheese, tomato wedges, pecans, and a pinot noir shallot vinegarette.
Fat Tuesday can suck a Fat One
I was at work till just now. Honestly, don't these people have jobs to go to in the morning? Who the hell parties on a Tuesday, and Tuesday is always our busiest day of the week. Damn $2 Pint Night. I am exhausted. No work tomorrow, and the cleaning is minimal. I will definitely be sleeping in.
I was reading my Favorite Blog earlier, and she asked a question about what everybody was giving up for lent. I'm thinking to myself what can I give up, and work to improve myself on during the next 40 days?
I have come up with these 3 things:
I would also like to add that ASHLEY, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!
I believe it is bedtime now.
I was reading my Favorite Blog earlier, and she asked a question about what everybody was giving up for lent. I'm thinking to myself what can I give up, and work to improve myself on during the next 40 days?
I have come up with these 3 things:
- STOP late night snacking
- No more diet coke
- Yoga EVERY day
I would also like to add that ASHLEY, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!
I believe it is bedtime now.
Tuesday, February 24
I should start getting ready for work right now. It normally doesn't take that long, but I've got to iron my clothes as well. Today hasn't been that mad in the cigarette department. Yesterday was tough. I think I pissed the guy off with my grumpy disposition.
B-fast was a bowl of oat bran with chocolate protein powder, handful of granola, and some almond butter. I think I overcooked it a bit. Next time I'll just use some polaner as a topping. Oat bran is very similar to cream of wheat, only MUCH better for you.
Worked out today. 45 minutes on the cross-trainer on the interval setting. Wasn't hard. I just didn't want to be there. I then did a killer ab workout, and a medium intensity arm workout.
I really need the hours at work, I just want to be lazy today. Its mardi gras tonight so I know we'll be super slammed and I'll be there all night. I just want a day job, I'm sick of not getting to make plans ever because of my freakin low paying job. I just keep telling myself, that it'll all be over soon and my new job will start next month.
B-fast was a bowl of oat bran with chocolate protein powder, handful of granola, and some almond butter. I think I overcooked it a bit. Next time I'll just use some polaner as a topping. Oat bran is very similar to cream of wheat, only MUCH better for you.
Worked out today. 45 minutes on the cross-trainer on the interval setting. Wasn't hard. I just didn't want to be there. I then did a killer ab workout, and a medium intensity arm workout.
I really need the hours at work, I just want to be lazy today. Its mardi gras tonight so I know we'll be super slammed and I'll be there all night. I just want a day job, I'm sick of not getting to make plans ever because of my freakin low paying job. I just keep telling myself, that it'll all be over soon and my new job will start next month.
Monday, February 23
Losing my cool
The not smoking thing is really starting to get to me. My jaw actually hurts from chewing so much gum. Not to mention I have bitten my tongue twice in the past two days. I still keep eating, also I didn't go to the gym. So here is my recap on the day.
Those are the 4 colors I narrowed it down too. I put them on the cabinets to see what the contrast would look like. There are so many cabinets in my kitchen it is overwhelming. I like the pinkish/orange, and the olive the best.
- Woke up at 9, ate cereal
- dropped T off at daycare at 10
- went to Target
- Picked up tipshare from work
- picked Trendon up at 1 for a doctors appt.
- Ate, Arbys-so ashamed
- Doctors appt
- Brought T back to daycare
- Home Depot, I bought a star-key.
- Came home, snacked, played online.
- Continued to snack-almonds and dried Apricots
- Back to home depot, got paint swatches
- Went to Ear x-tacy and got 2 cds, and a movie that I love, "Once"
- Heine Bros Coffee, got my usual India Asaam Tea.
- Drove around
- Home again, 2 grilled cheese sandwiches
- Currently killing some Stride gum, while typing this.
- About to go watch Once with the guy at his place.
Those are the 4 colors I narrowed it down too. I put them on the cabinets to see what the contrast would look like. There are so many cabinets in my kitchen it is overwhelming. I like the pinkish/orange, and the olive the best.
Sunday, February 22
Money miracles
So I have 3 different checking, and savings accounts. Then 3 different credit cards, and 2 separate investment accounts. That is a lot of checking up to do online... While searching for free apps for my iPhone I found Mint. Just go to the website and it shows you all your accounts, cash to debt ratio, budgeting tools, net worth, and ways to to save money based on your own spending habits. It is easily the best finance tool ever. HERE is the site. No lie, it rocks.
NOTE: You don't need the iPhone to use this. The iPhone app is just another way to check the site.
Besides that, I ran a few errands with the guy in the afternoon. After all that I went to pick up T from his moms. She wouldn't give him back to me, and since she doesnt have primary custody I had to call the cops. I also recorded my entire conversation with her and her drugged out brother and boyfriend. So I hope it will be admissible in court. My brother has been fighting so hard to get custody of my little man. He completely deserves it. The mom is a total druggie and just sucks at life.
Today was definitely the ultimate test. I haven't mentioned this for a few reasons. I quit smoking.
It has been 5 whole days. Normally I smoke when I'm hanging out with friends. I really don't hang out with anybody anymore so I pretty much nixed that aspect. The second place I almost always have a cigarette in my mouth is while I'm in the car. So todays 1 1/2 hour car ride each way was rough. Especially on the way back. I was fuming mad. I keep munching on gum. I have noticed that I am eating more, which I'm really trying to note when I'm actually hungry and when I'm just trying to fill a void so I wont grab more food.
The main reason I didn't want to say anything is that I don't want to be one of those people that seems to quit every other day. So I wanted to make sure I could last more than a few days. I know that the carbon monoxide starts leaving your lungs within 24 hours, and the nicotine is completely out of the system in 3 days. The rest of it is all mental. It really is the mental part that kicks peoples asses. I know that I am strong enough to handle this....COLD TURKEY.
UPDATER: I can't stop eating, wtf. all my hard work at the gym is going out the window. tomorrow morning I'm going to dedicate at least 2 1/2 hours to kicking my ass into shape. I need more gum.
NOTE: You don't need the iPhone to use this. The iPhone app is just another way to check the site.
Besides that, I ran a few errands with the guy in the afternoon. After all that I went to pick up T from his moms. She wouldn't give him back to me, and since she doesnt have primary custody I had to call the cops. I also recorded my entire conversation with her and her drugged out brother and boyfriend. So I hope it will be admissible in court. My brother has been fighting so hard to get custody of my little man. He completely deserves it. The mom is a total druggie and just sucks at life.
Today was definitely the ultimate test. I haven't mentioned this for a few reasons. I quit smoking.

The main reason I didn't want to say anything is that I don't want to be one of those people that seems to quit every other day. So I wanted to make sure I could last more than a few days. I know that the carbon monoxide starts leaving your lungs within 24 hours, and the nicotine is completely out of the system in 3 days. The rest of it is all mental. It really is the mental part that kicks peoples asses. I know that I am strong enough to handle this....COLD TURKEY.
UPDATER: I can't stop eating, wtf. all my hard work at the gym is going out the window. tomorrow morning I'm going to dedicate at least 2 1/2 hours to kicking my ass into shape. I need more gum.
Saturday, February 21
Saturday Night Blues
I went up to the furniture store again today. Picked out my new coffee and end tables. I think next weekend I'm going to Ikea. The closest one is almost 2 hours away in Ohio. I'm going to try to get the guy to go with me.
I also told the furniture store, about the issues with my dining set and chairs. So now I've got to wait till the 9th for them to come look at it. I am just so sick of this place. I am never buying anything from there again.
That was lunch: yogurt, grapes with goat cheese, and pecans. I really think goat cheese goes with everything.
Work was pretty slow. There was a new host, that I "trained", which basically all we did was play on our phones. I'm kind of pissed though. The guy is cool and all, but I'm only getting 3 shifts a week as it is. He got the job because he is cool with 2 of the other guys who work there. It was so dead, so they let me go after only 4 hours. Not complaining though.
I was so hungry at work, and I was about to order some wings for myself. I told myself NO, and just came home and made THIS:
It is hummus, baby leaf spinach, cucumbers, and tomatoes on an ezekiel tortilla. It was yummy, but I was craving something with some protein. So I grabbed a 2.6oz packet of tuna, mixed it with 1 tsp of Veganaise, and some relish. I am now very content. Well sort of, I'm craving social interaction. That is not something food can fix. So I am considering going to Heine Bros for an India Asaam Tea.
That was lunch: yogurt, grapes with goat cheese, and pecans. I really think goat cheese goes with everything.
Work was pretty slow. There was a new host, that I "trained", which basically all we did was play on our phones. I'm kind of pissed though. The guy is cool and all, but I'm only getting 3 shifts a week as it is. He got the job because he is cool with 2 of the other guys who work there. It was so dead, so they let me go after only 4 hours. Not complaining though.
I was so hungry at work, and I was about to order some wings for myself. I told myself NO, and just came home and made THIS:
It is hummus, baby leaf spinach, cucumbers, and tomatoes on an ezekiel tortilla. It was yummy, but I was craving something with some protein. So I grabbed a 2.6oz packet of tuna, mixed it with 1 tsp of Veganaise, and some relish. I am now very content. Well sort of, I'm craving social interaction. That is not something food can fix. So I am considering going to Heine Bros for an India Asaam Tea.
Italiono Dinner
On yesterdays post I mentioned I would give an update on how the 20/20 workout was. I am sufficiently sore. I actually managed to get up around 9, so I thought, "hey, I'm awake and there is a yoga class at 10:30, why not go?" Yeah, I fell back asleep.
Work called when I was in the middle of cooking. I politely told them I couldn't come in. The guy was a little bit late getting here. All the food turned out pretty good.
He really liked the eggplant. I thought it was missing something. I didn't manage to get a pic of the eggplant, they were so beautiful when they came out of the oven. Then we hung out for a bit. He had to work today in the day time and I have to work tonight. We looked and there is an awesome auction tonight, but it starts at 6. He told me is going to go. I really wanted to go. Gotta make that money though.
After he left last night, I had the last piece of eggplant. I doubt they store well. I added goat cheese to that. OMG, it made it perfect. I don't know why I didn't do that before. My favorite salad incorporates both those elements. It is from Carrabbas and is called the Fiorucci. GET IT.
I really should go workout, and I definitely have time before work I have to go into work. I figure I'll be lazy for another half hour, then go.
Work called when I was in the middle of cooking. I politely told them I couldn't come in. The guy was a little bit late getting here. All the food turned out pretty good.
After he left last night, I had the last piece of eggplant. I doubt they store well. I added goat cheese to that. OMG, it made it perfect. I don't know why I didn't do that before. My favorite salad incorporates both those elements. It is from Carrabbas and is called the Fiorucci. GET IT.
I really should go workout, and I definitely have time before work I have to go into work. I figure I'll be lazy for another half hour, then go.
Friday, February 20
Driving Doggie
Went up to my favorite store big ol' WHOLE FOODS. Saw this and just had to take a pic. Thought it was just pretty darn awesome. Got all the stuff to finish off my dishes for the night, and a few necessities like paper towels, which happened to be made out of 100% recycled paper.
I didnt go to bed till almost 5 A.M. I got caught up watching one of my all time favorite movies, CASINO. It didn't disappoint, never does. Still woke up at 10. Went and picked up my tip-share.
Then headed off to the gym. I was determined to make this a good workout. So I did the mountain setting on my cross-trainer at level 10. AYE AYE AYE. At my gym they have these set of machines grouped together with a giant timer overhead. Its 20 machines. You do as many reps as you can for 45 seconds, then it gives you 15 seconds to switch machines. So 20 machines, in 20 minutes. Works out your entire body. I will give results tomorrow. I hope to be decently sore.
I am just hoping that the dinner tonight goes good. I'm nervous that I'm going to screw it all up. I'm going to do some last minute cleaning here shortly. You can bet that I will be taking pictures of my dinner tonight. I'll make sure he is in the other day. I doubt he knows about my blog, and would probably think I'm odd for photographing food.
Thursday, February 19
Cooking It up
So my day wasn't too eventful. Did not accomplish anything around the house except dishes and starting a load of laundry. I have yet to put up the 80,000 clean baskets. I did an hour workout at the gym, no fun... I'm beginning to get bored. After my 7 hours at work, I came home made a simple chicken alfredo with carrots, peas, and broccoli. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go up to the furniture store and finally pick out my new tables. Also to complain about my dining set now. AYE AYE AYE. I swear I will never buy anything else from there. Its all junk.
I also planned my dinner menu for tomorrow. The guy is coming over for dinner. Normally he does the cooking.
Polenta: makes 6 side-dish servings
Eggplant Parmigiana makes 4 servings.
The reason I chose these specific dishes is because I already have all the ingredients except two. Technically I could make marinara, but I just have so much other stuff to do that I would rather just buy it, and heat it up.
I also planned my dinner menu for tomorrow. The guy is coming over for dinner. Normally he does the cooking.
Polenta: makes 6 side-dish servings
- 6 cups water
- 4 tsp Salt
- 1 3/4 cups yellow cornmeal
- 3 T unsalted butter, (cut into pieces)
- 1 tsp plus 1/2 cup Olive Oil
- 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 cup Marinara
- Bring water to boil. add 2 tsp salt, then gradually whisk in cornmeal. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring often. Mixture will thicken and become tender. About 15 minutes
- Coat an 11*7 baking dish with 1 tsp olive oil. Transfer hot polenta to baking dish, spread evenly to 3/4 inch thick. Cover and refrigerate until cold and firm. About 2 hours.
- Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Cut polenta into 2*1 inch pieces. In a large heavy skillet, heat the remaining 1/2 cup of oil over a medium-high flame. Working in batches, fry the polenta pieces until golden brown on all sides, about 3 minutes per side. Using tongs, transfew the polenta pieces of paper and drain. Place the polenta pieces on a baking sheet and keept warm in the oven while cooking the remaining batches.
- Transfer the polenta pieces to serving platter. Sprinkle with parm cheese and salt. Serve with marinara.
Eggplant Parmigiana makes 4 servings.
- 1 12oz eggplant, (small)
- 1 egg, slightly beaten
- 1 T water
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 T cooking oil
- 1/3 cup grated Parm cheese
- 1 cup meatless spaghetti sauce
- 3/4 cup shredded mozzerella cheese
- Wash and peel eggplant, cut crosswise into 1/2 inch slices. Combine egg adn water, dip eggplant slices into egg mixture, then into flour turning to coat both sides. In a large skillet cook eggplant half at a time, in hot oil for 4-6 minutes (golden brown). Drain onto paper towels.
- Place eggplant in a single layer in an ungreased 2 quart rectangular baking dish. Sprinkle with Parm cheese, top with spaghetti sauce and mozz cheese. Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
The reason I chose these specific dishes is because I already have all the ingredients except two. Technically I could make marinara, but I just have so much other stuff to do that I would rather just buy it, and heat it up.
Wednesday, February 18
Does Anybody Actually Read This Thing??????????
Work Stinks. I got my schedule for next week, only 3 days WTF. At least they are 8 hour shifts. I need at least 4 days a week, and I didn't get any day shifts. So pissed. The other host told me that she is planning on quitting, but hasn't told anybody yet. Maybe she'll give me one of her shifts.
Have you ever had a dream involving somebody you know? Then in the dream they completely piss you off, and you actually wake up mad at them. I'm still trying to calm down and not be mad, and telling myself "its not real".
Didn't get home till after 3 A.M. So obviously woke up pretty late. I need to put up a couple baskets of laundry, and I just want to deep clean my whole house. Later tonight I'm hitting up the gym (finally). Do some cardio, then a workout class. Me, excited!!!!
I spent the other day walking around downtown after the after auction. The guy is looking for a new apartment. There are some decent places, for pretty cheap. Did you know, Louisville has the largest concentration of Victorian homes in America. How neat is that? A lot of them have been split up into apartments. Lots of different styles too. Studios, one bedrooms, and two bedrooms. These places have so much more character than standard managed apartments. So when my lease runs out in Oct I'm definitely going to find a place in old Louisville.
I was looking at the full profile version of this thing. It really seems that nobody reads this thing. It is kind of upsetting, kind of like nobody finds me interesting. I guess I'm not that interesting. Then with the fact that all of my friends are a few hundred miles away. I need to get going, pick up some stuff from work, go to the bank, stop by Whole Foods, and come back to clean up the place, then gym.
Have you ever had a dream involving somebody you know? Then in the dream they completely piss you off, and you actually wake up mad at them. I'm still trying to calm down and not be mad, and telling myself "its not real".
Didn't get home till after 3 A.M. So obviously woke up pretty late. I need to put up a couple baskets of laundry, and I just want to deep clean my whole house. Later tonight I'm hitting up the gym (finally). Do some cardio, then a workout class. Me, excited!!!!
I spent the other day walking around downtown after the after auction. The guy is looking for a new apartment. There are some decent places, for pretty cheap. Did you know, Louisville has the largest concentration of Victorian homes in America. How neat is that? A lot of them have been split up into apartments. Lots of different styles too. Studios, one bedrooms, and two bedrooms. These places have so much more character than standard managed apartments. So when my lease runs out in Oct I'm definitely going to find a place in old Louisville.
I was looking at the full profile version of this thing. It really seems that nobody reads this thing. It is kind of upsetting, kind of like nobody finds me interesting. I guess I'm not that interesting. Then with the fact that all of my friends are a few hundred miles away. I need to get going, pick up some stuff from work, go to the bank, stop by Whole Foods, and come back to clean up the place, then gym.
Tuesday, February 17
Sick Little Man
My brother left for his school in Mass. Same day that he left my nephew got sick. So I've been taking care of him. I gotta drop him off later before I go to work. I hate that I haven't been able to work out for the past few days. I feel so lazy. I spent most of last night on IKEA. Found some nice stuff, so when I have a bit of extra money I will buy. I need to hop in the shower in a couple of minutes. I really don't want to work, but I need money. I really just want to lay in bed today. I just hope that little man doesn't make me sick. I requested to get more day shifts, the schedule should be up today. I would like to be off on more nights. So maybe I'll get them.
I've spent the past 2 hours watching the food network. Then i made myself a grilled cheese sandwich, and some tomato soup. I did take down two seemingly good recipes though.
I've spent the past 2 hours watching the food network. Then i made myself a grilled cheese sandwich, and some tomato soup. I did take down two seemingly good recipes though.
Sunday, February 15
Hooray to the bidding wars
I'm being introduced the lovely world of auctions (other than Ebay) today. SO excited. There is a really cool piece of art that I would like to get. I would love if its not more than $50. That is my limit. Then I think I'm going to be getting some help in cooking a pot roast later tonight. yeah!!! But maybe not, depends on how late this auction is going to last.

Why do people feel the need to pop in and out of my life whenever the hell they feel like it? Pick a freaking side. You're in or you're out.
Saturday, February 14
Singing in the rain

I was a cutie-patutie. I think I was 3 there. Not too sure.
No plans for today, as stated yesterday. I woke up to a really bad dream. Somebody had hacked into all my accounts. I checked all of them, and I seem to still be good. I think I might change all my passwords, and enhance the security a bit on all of them just to be sure. I think I'm going to make some oatmeal, protein powder, granola, and a banana for b-fast. Then I'll hit the gym for a bit.
UPDATER: Haven't gone to the gym yet. Not sure if I'll be getting to it today. I just feel so exhausted. I did do some productive and very important stuff today. I filled out my FAFSA and finished setting up my college email account. I have 4 email accounts. haha.
Friday the 13th vs. Valentines Day
I love how my day ended. Is it Friday the 13th, or Valentines Day??? hmmm, I'll go with the first one. Tonight was so packed at work. I was the only hostess working, and my tip-share should be over $100. So, believe me, I'm not complaining. I even volunteered to stay an extra 2 1/2 hours after my shift ended. (the only reason I did was because the guy had already fallen asleep when I called). Still, I need money. So it all worked out. Got off, came home, I am now in my comfy unmatching sweat pants/pjs. I caught up on some blogs, nodded off during one, so I'm going to make this quick because sleep is coming fast.

I've got no plans for tomorrow, except work from 7-2, probably later. Looking forward to Sunday though.

I've got no plans for tomorrow, except work from 7-2, probably later. Looking forward to Sunday though.
Friday, February 13
work, work, work
Work again tonight. Last night was a mad house. I already had to get on somebody's ass. She asked me to bus her table cuz she was had her hands full. So I went ahead and did it. As I was bring back the dishes she was just sitting back there eating chips and salsa, then went to the back for a cigarette. So this is when I set her straight. I don't mind helping out, but don't ask me to do your job for you. Especially since my tipshare is so little.
My bro leaves on Sunday to go to ANOC for two weeks. I need to finish getting ready, gotta be there in 30 minutes. Im just waiting for my undershirt to dry. I know its Friday the 13th, so I'm keeping extra special care of my phone. On 3 different friday the 13ths I've screwed up different phones. Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Really doesn't mean much to me. I still hate all holidays. Except for New Years, and Independence Day.
I still need to open up a bank account here. Why cant there be any Wachovias around here. Apparantly I'm aloud to use Wells Fargo now too, since the merger. Unfortunately I dont think there are any of those either. I must work from 5-1 tonight. errrr. Must get going for now. I promise that I will soon post something mildly entertaining.
My bro leaves on Sunday to go to ANOC for two weeks. I need to finish getting ready, gotta be there in 30 minutes. Im just waiting for my undershirt to dry. I know its Friday the 13th, so I'm keeping extra special care of my phone. On 3 different friday the 13ths I've screwed up different phones. Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Really doesn't mean much to me. I still hate all holidays. Except for New Years, and Independence Day.
I still need to open up a bank account here. Why cant there be any Wachovias around here. Apparantly I'm aloud to use Wells Fargo now too, since the merger. Unfortunately I dont think there are any of those either. I must work from 5-1 tonight. errrr. Must get going for now. I promise that I will soon post something mildly entertaining.
Thursday, February 12
Sleepy too Early
Work was pretty lame. I hate that I've had my job less than a week, and I already hate it. i just keep telling myself its only temporary, and I can make it through. Once I got home I made some gluten-free "spaghetti" with the last of my pesto sauce. I'm pretty freaking tired. My bro and I got into a mini argument through texting. I'm just going to wash my face, brush teeth and pass out.
I hated working out today. Mostly the cardio. I only did 30 minutes on the "hill climb". My hip flexor feels a bit out of place so I did plenty of stretching. Worked my legs for about 20 minutes, and a couple of ab exercises. I really just want to be super lazy today. Not gonna happen though. I work from 4-1 a.m. aye aye aye. I just gotta iron my clothes and throw some make up on my face.
When I got home from the gym I realized how much how my apartment still smelt like fajitas. That was just LOVELY (note the sarcasm) So I have all the windows open and plan of Febreezing everything here shortly. Tomorrow seems like a perfect day to hang out with T. I haven't spent very much time with him lately. I miss my little man. That is pretty much it for today.
When I got home from the gym I realized how much how my apartment still smelt like fajitas. That was just LOVELY (note the sarcasm) So I have all the windows open and plan of Febreezing everything here shortly. Tomorrow seems like a perfect day to hang out with T. I haven't spent very much time with him lately. I miss my little man. That is pretty much it for today.
Eco-Friendly Valentines Day
I'm sure that most of you know that along with my all natural, and organic way of eating I am also on the green living bandwagon. That is one I've been on for a very long time. So here you go.
Ask Umbra on How-To Be a More Loving Valentine
THIS is the best place ever to find funny e-cards.
Ask Umbra on How-To Be a More Loving Valentine
THIS is the best place ever to find funny e-cards.
Fun in Louisville
I'm on the verge of passing out. Which may I add is very odd for me. I had one of the best days I've had in a really long time. The guy I've been talking to came over and we ran all over Louisville, and a small part of Indiana. Went to two different housewares stores. One was Home Goods, and the other was Old Time Pottery, (nothing like Potterybarn). Then we went to the store and got stuff to make fajitas. May I add he is a very good cook. He didn't even want me helping. That wasn't going to happen, my kitchen, I run that shit. We also got some sushi. Then spent a long time online looking at videos from college humor.
I can't stand most art, paintings of flowers in a vase. Mass produced, junk (in my opinion). I found a still art today that just makes my face bright up whenever I look at it. I think that is what art should be, it should invoke an emotion whenever you look at it. Not just something that you pass without thought.
No gym today, its okay. I will go there and bust my ass again tomorrow. My tri's, shoulders, and back are still sore from yesterday. My legs still feel like jello from my kickass workout yesterday. I honestly thought I was going to pass out. Its sleepy time for me now.
Monday, February 9
Speedy Shiny Car
Stayed up late last night arguing with somebody who isn't even worth my time. Got up around 10:30. Ate a yummy bowl of Kashi Cereal. Went to the post office again, to mail something off for my brother. Apparantly there are no Farmers Markets around here, and the one I could manage to find was shut down. So I went to Whole Foods picked up some stuff.
The service tech from my furniture store came by to look at my screwed up tables. I should be able to pick out new ones this weekend. Two tables in two months? That
I finally washed my car. She is beautiful once again. Made a simple salad for lunch. I tried an Oikos Greek Yogurt. YUCK, it tasted rotten, one bite, and I honestly wanted to vomit.
I am about to put away dishes, laundry, and vacuum. HOORAY!!!!
That is just a picture from the Speed Art Museum where I went the other night. It was a SoCo tasting. So they were having shots of Southern Comfort for $2. We had fun.
Here is something else that I am very proud of:
UPDATE: My new vacuum ROCKS
Lazy Daisy
I woke up around 8, and just laid there drifting in and out of sleep till 11. Had a Clif bar for breakfast, went to gym at 2, got out around 4. Laid around for a little bit, quick shower, got ready went to work. My feet were hurting so bad after work, and I was starving. Besides b-fast, all I had was a soy protein shake after my workout. So I got a sandwich and India Asaam tea from Heine Bros. Headed to Walmart. I was considering buying all the fruits and veggies I need for the upcoming week. But I really want organic, and possibly locally grown. So instead I'll check out the local Farmers Market, and the Whole Foods tomorrow. So all I got was some more tuna, Kashi cereal, comfy work shoes, and a new vacuum. Now I'm just laying here, about to hit fall asleep any minute. I really want a new book.
Sunday, February 8
Life's Good
For a while there it seemed that my life was still at a stand-still. Here in the past few days everything has seemed to do a 180. I finally got a job. It's not the greatest job, but pay is pretty good and I only have to deal with it till March when the "real" job kicks in. Also, I've been accepted to UofL. So I'm super excited. I've recently met a guy, he's pretty cool.
Woke up at 8:30 so I could have ample time to get ready and look presentable for my orientation. Breakfast involved a Blueberry Bliss Luna Bar, and a cup of almond milk. I can't believe I've never tried that before. Almond milk is so delicious, it tastes about 50 times better than soy and less calories. It has a bit less protein, but let me just say this, WOW. Work seems simple enough. They made me fill out some paperwork and gave me a book to look over. I start tomorrow night.
Made it to the post office to mail Claudia a package of some goodies I picked up for her. Unfortunately, there is no Whole Foods or any remotely healthy grocery stores where we are from. So I sent her some stuff that she has been wanting to try, and her x-mas gift that I forgot when I flew down there in December.
I made it to the gym, I really pushed it out on the cross-trainer. I was super sweaty and dead tired when I got off after an hour. Normally in an hour I burn an average of 650 calories. Today it was almost 800. I made it home just in time to catch the latest episode of Burn Notice that I missed on Wednesday.
After my workout I talked to Ris, I was feeling so dizzy and shaky. I am completely out of fruit so I need to go shopping here in a few days. I think I was feeling like that because I have cut out pretty much all processed foods and sugars. So I grabbed another Luna. About an hour later I had a one cup of this Cambells healthy select soup. it was decent. Im saving the last half of the can for tomorrow.
I FINALLY put away that dreaded laundry. I think there is a belt loose in my dryer because its taking a bit longer to dry my clothes than usual.
Dinner was completely amazing. I've been creating this recipe in my head so I decided to try it out tonight. I was really scared it would turn out bad, and he would think I'm a horrible cook.
Pizza from Scratch
It was honestly one of the best dishes I've ever made. It also was really quick to prepare. I swear I love my Magic Bullet. He really liked it too, so that made me happy. After he left I got everything in the kitchen all cleaned up, and now I'm all ready for bed.
Woke up at 8:30 so I could have ample time to get ready and look presentable for my orientation. Breakfast involved a Blueberry Bliss Luna Bar, and a cup of almond milk. I can't believe I've never tried that before. Almond milk is so delicious, it tastes about 50 times better than soy and less calories. It has a bit less protein, but let me just say this, WOW. Work seems simple enough. They made me fill out some paperwork and gave me a book to look over. I start tomorrow night.
Made it to the post office to mail Claudia a package of some goodies I picked up for her. Unfortunately, there is no Whole Foods or any remotely healthy grocery stores where we are from. So I sent her some stuff that she has been wanting to try, and her x-mas gift that I forgot when I flew down there in December.
I made it to the gym, I really pushed it out on the cross-trainer. I was super sweaty and dead tired when I got off after an hour. Normally in an hour I burn an average of 650 calories. Today it was almost 800. I made it home just in time to catch the latest episode of Burn Notice that I missed on Wednesday.
After my workout I talked to Ris, I was feeling so dizzy and shaky. I am completely out of fruit so I need to go shopping here in a few days. I think I was feeling like that because I have cut out pretty much all processed foods and sugars. So I grabbed another Luna. About an hour later I had a one cup of this Cambells healthy select soup. it was decent. Im saving the last half of the can for tomorrow.
I FINALLY put away that dreaded laundry. I think there is a belt loose in my dryer because its taking a bit longer to dry my clothes than usual.
Dinner was completely amazing. I've been creating this recipe in my head so I decided to try it out tonight. I was really scared it would turn out bad, and he would think I'm a horrible cook.
Pizza from Scratch
- Preheat Oven to 425
- Homemade pizza dough use gluten free flour instead
- Brush on small amount of EVO on rolled out dough
- Pesto from Scratch, Found recipe from Giada de Laurentis's Everyday Italian cookbook
- Light sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- Mozzarella, freshly grated is best
- diced up Onions
- Roma Tomatoes, thinly sliced
- Salt to Taste
- Bake for 15 minutes
It was honestly one of the best dishes I've ever made. It also was really quick to prepare. I swear I love my Magic Bullet. He really liked it too, so that made me happy. After he left I got everything in the kitchen all cleaned up, and now I'm all ready for bed.
Thursday, February 5
Die Another Day
Today had a late start due to yesterdays late end. I swear I didn't even want to move, it hurt. Don't get me wrong I love the slight stiffness I feel the day after a good workout. I'm pretty sure I overdid it some.
Yoga 3 days in a row, water aerobics, and all the basic cardio. So today I am taking a break. I was going to do yoga, but then when I just attempted a single chatarunga on my living room floor I fell flat after about 2 seconds.
Breakfast was 1 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop chocalate protein powder, granola, and a whole banana. Half was already mixed in when I shot this.
Finally mailed my old NC license plates back to my dad to turn in. Stopped in Old Navy to find some black pants and white button downs for work. All the shirts made my boobs look odd. I bought two different pairs of pants, a new sports bra,
and my favorite Sparkling Green Tea candles. I think tomorrow I'll go to New York & Company to look for shirts. They always have a good selection. Before leaving the mall I stopped and got some food. It was too spicy though. What is in the picture is what is left. I literally only ate 10 small bites. I love spicy food, but that was was way too much for me.
Left to get T from daycare. Stopped by my brothers work and ate half of my White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bar that was given great reviews by The Fitnessista. My nephew managed to eat about half of it. He even liked it. Thought it was a candy bar. I remember when any type of nutrition bar made me want to gag. They sure have come a long way.
I'm going to see Taken tonight, and gotta stop by Whole Foods to pick up a few things. I think I should get going then.
Breakfast was 1 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop chocalate protein powder, granola, and a whole banana. Half was already mixed in when I shot this.
Finally mailed my old NC license plates back to my dad to turn in. Stopped in Old Navy to find some black pants and white button downs for work. All the shirts made my boobs look odd. I bought two different pairs of pants, a new sports bra,
I'm going to see Taken tonight, and gotta stop by Whole Foods to pick up a few things. I think I should get going then.
Ode to Aches and Pains
C'mon who likes having sore achy muscles? Me, I do! It gives me a sense of accomplishment. That my hard effort and time all my time have actually done something useful for my body.
Today though, in combination with my over zealousness to jump back into yoga and the water aerobics class that I have attended my whole body aches. Mostly I blame all the cycles. It is my word for the constant flow from planks-chatarungas-updogs-downdogs. These movements are done in sequence. They really stretch out your arms, chest, hamstrings, and my back. I haven't had my whole back be sore in a really long time.
So Larissa, I finally used your Christmas gift tonight. and boy those candles really do smell good.
I actually liked keeping them in my linen closet just because they made my towels smell so good. I guess actually burning them puts them to even better use, haha. Look at that I actually took the time to make myself a proper relaxation bath. I even took a pic to commemorate the event.
Today though, in combination with my over zealousness to jump back into yoga and the water aerobics class that I have attended my whole body aches. Mostly I blame all the cycles. It is my word for the constant flow from planks-chatarungas-updogs-downdogs. These movements are done in sequence. They really stretch out your arms, chest, hamstrings, and my back. I haven't had my whole back be sore in a really long time.
So Larissa, I finally used your Christmas gift tonight. and boy those candles really do smell good.
Wednesday, February 4

Good late morning all. My day started a bit earlier than I had hoped for especially since yesterday had ended much later than expected. This is was what I looked like about an hour ago.

The Secret Degree!!!
Tuesday, February 3
Fluffy Yoga
Today was nice. Started my morning off with a Cherry Pie flavored Larabar. This one was awesome.
I am hooked. Had yummy mexican food with Paul for lunch. The chili rellanos (sp) wasn't great, so it became a leftover item. No pics, but I was very proud of myself for not eating any of the millions of free chips they give you. If only I had the same will power for those yummy rolls at Texas Roadhouse.
Picked up T from daycare early so we could hang out. I never really get to see him anymore so we had ourselves a good old time. He did that bouncy trampoline harness thing. He loves that. Got him an ice cream, and we got one of those 4 pack of pictures in a strip. It was fun, then we chilled and watched Diego together.
After Paul got off work, he took up little man and and I made my way to the gym. Did 40 on the cross-trainer on medium-high intervals. I then raced back downstairs grabbed my mat out of the locker and found my spot. I can't say that I was completely impressed. I figured since I haven't done yoga in an organized setting in over 2 months that it would be challenging. Thing is the instructor did a lot of fluff moves, like sphinx, and just a whole bunch of prayers, and sun-salutations. The last 15 minutes were the only challenging bit. I swear there only like 3-downward facing dogs, and chatarungas. I need to find a small independent yoga studio around town, I always like them better than over-sized generic classes.
After my workout I munched on a Nectar by Clif bar. Super yummy.
Stopped to see my bro at his girlfriends house. They just got a Wii, I played tennis for 10 minutes and had to quit to let the kids play. Stopped by Heine Bros coffee and grabbed an India Assam tea. I've been telling myself to put away the laundry for over 2 hours now. I don't think it's going to happen till tomorrow.
Tomorrow I am going to try out my new Power Yoga with Dave Farmar podcasts that I have been hearing rave revues about. I'm not even kidding when I say that my Iphone is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Picked up T from daycare early so we could hang out. I never really get to see him anymore so we had ourselves a good old time. He did that bouncy trampoline harness thing. He loves that. Got him an ice cream, and we got one of those 4 pack of pictures in a strip. It was fun, then we chilled and watched Diego together.
After Paul got off work, he took up little man and and I made my way to the gym. Did 40 on the cross-trainer on medium-high intervals. I then raced back downstairs grabbed my mat out of the locker and found my spot. I can't say that I was completely impressed. I figured since I haven't done yoga in an organized setting in over 2 months that it would be challenging. Thing is the instructor did a lot of fluff moves, like sphinx, and just a whole bunch of prayers, and sun-salutations. The last 15 minutes were the only challenging bit. I swear there only like 3-downward facing dogs, and chatarungas. I need to find a small independent yoga studio around town, I always like them better than over-sized generic classes.
After my workout I munched on a Nectar by Clif bar. Super yummy.
Tomorrow I am going to try out my new Power Yoga with Dave Farmar podcasts that I have been hearing rave revues about. I'm not even kidding when I say that my Iphone is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Sunday, February 1
Wake-up Weirdness
When I woke up this morning I just felt so out of place, like something was amiss. I made sure everything was taken care of. No late bills, no forgotten pills. I just cant explain this feeling I had.
Anyway I went to the HomeGoods store. That place is awesome. they are pretty much all over, except where I am from. Its connected to TJ Maxx which I love. So awesome I got these awesome canisters from Vintage Kitchen. I got a really cute soap dish for my bathroom. It looks like a lady bug, and some new dish towels. They are st. patty's day. I just really wanted to inject a little bit of subtle color into my kitchen.
I used my my MB (magic bullet) twice yesterday. First in the morning I blended some smoked salmon with chive and onion cream cheese. Spread it on my bagel.
Later it was just some soymilk, banana, soy protein powder, and granola. I was a bit pissed that when I bought my powder and opened it up and it was half empty. I was a bit peeved, they should either fill it all the way up, or make it half as big. I was not in much of a mood to cook so I ate my new Larabar. This one was icky. I've been hearing awesome things about those Larabars, but that one did not live up to the reputation.
That is one of my new dish rags.
So I worked out yesterday, I had told my dad how I really wasn't seeing a lot of results lately. So he told me to up my resistance, which I did, majorly. I could only do 30 minutes at the with a 15 resistance and 8 cross-ramp. Then i did 20 minutes on an 16 crossramp, and 8 resistance. I was so tired. That was the excitement of my day. I also caught the latest episode of Burn Notice. I love that show.
Today is pretty blah, I think I'm going to take a nap in a little bit.
I used my my MB (magic bullet) twice yesterday. First in the morning I blended some smoked salmon with chive and onion cream cheese. Spread it on my bagel.
That is one of my new dish rags.
So I worked out yesterday, I had told my dad how I really wasn't seeing a lot of results lately. So he told me to up my resistance, which I did, majorly. I could only do 30 minutes at the with a 15 resistance and 8 cross-ramp. Then i did 20 minutes on an 16 crossramp, and 8 resistance. I was so tired. That was the excitement of my day. I also caught the latest episode of Burn Notice. I love that show.
Today is pretty blah, I think I'm going to take a nap in a little bit.
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