I am doing my darn best to keep busy. I had a late start today, my nephew slept till 11, so I did as well. I ate a medium banana with apple butter. I got use my new eco-friendly laundry detergent. It smells super good. I got it from Whole Foods, I am really falling in love with that store. I really enjoy the fact that I am doing something good for my body, and the environment. I feel healthier, and it makes me want to keep on going. That has always been the number one motivator for me, results.

I couldn't get to the gym in the early afternoon because the kids care section closes at noon and doesn't reopen till till 5. So I just did a mini yoga session in my room. Just a few downward facings dogs, cobras, planks, chatarungas (sp), and goddesses. Followed up with a round of stretching and a Clif bar.
It was Apricot, and oh so yummy.

At around 7:30 after my brother got home I was able to go to the gym without having to lug my nephew with me. I did 45 minutes on the Cross-trainer, and 15 on the Stair-stepper. Its weird because as soon as I got out of the car my legs started aching from all the squats, and leg-lifts I did yesterday. After I was good and sweaty I stretched, then went and did my abs. They are still super sore from Sundays workout. I did 3 sets of 50 crunches on the 65cm exercise ball. 3, 1 minute bridges. Then 2 sets of this one where you lay down and pass the ball from your legs to your arms, almost touch the ground and then reverse. Did some obliques. I was aching so bad, so I stretched some more. Then I did 3 sets on my bi's and tri's a piece. I think I did 45Lbs for each one, not too sure. I felt the need for a little social interaction so I went and got an organic India Asam tea, from my favorite local fair trade coffee shop.

I was starving by the time I got home. I had made whole wheat linguine with a vodka sauce for lunch. My nephew ended up eating all of his, and polished off half of mine. I didnt mind. Anytime that I can actually get him to eat is a miracle. So after the gym I made a 3 oz packet of tuna, 1 tsp of vegainaise (like mayo, only egg-free and made with grape-seed oil), and some yummy relish. Anything pickle related is a weakness of mine.
It wasn't as pretty once it was all mixed together.
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