I work my butt off, every day. I'd say the last 4 months I have lost a total of 30 Lbs. Which makes for a grand total of 45. My goal is only 15 Lbs away. So I'm proud of myself thus far, but can't slack off. I have not missed a day at the gym in three weeks. Also, I only get 4 days off in all of July. I had the 3-4th off when my mom and sister came to visit, and then two random days off.
That is the first picture I've taken of my full body, yet alone uncovered. So don't be too judgmental, I'm quite proud.
I've cut out all meat except for fish. So that makes me a pescatarian. No slacking off at all, and if I eat some type of grain it is generally gluten free. I just bought some Hemp bread today. Haven't tried it yet, but it has 13 grams of protein in 2 slices. I actually meant to buy the bagels, but didn't look to closely at what I was picking up.
I ate at work yesterday. I ordered what was originally a very thick, heavy, and carb laden dish, but changed it so much that my server let me put it in the computer.
My shrimp, scallops, and mussels were originally made with marinara sauce and linguine. I changed it to a light completely vegan crushed tomato sauce, and instead of pasta I had them use asparagus. It was super yummy.
It's about time to hit the sack. I gotta two hour workout planned for the morning. I always do an hour of cardio then I do an area of my body, but tomorrow I'm gonna try to go to the ONE pilates class they offer at my gym a week. Goodnight all. I'll start reading up on blogs shortly.